Thursday, May 8, 2008


Since her last appointment Marissa has gained ANOTHER 1.4pounds and grown a whopping 3inches! Shes grown so well her GI agreed we can reduce her TPN from 20 to 18 hours per day!!!!!!!!!!! This is VERY exciting news! So that gut of hers is obviously absorbing---I give SO MUCH credit to those digestive enzymes! *happy dance*

How to change a Mic-Key g-button

This is what I found this morning.....niiiiiiice ehh? Whats a mom to do? Why grab the camera and create a tutorial ofcourse*grin*

Monday, May 5, 2008

When "hooking up"....has nothing to do with the opposit sex

I stole that quote off of a member at a support board Im a new member of. So many machines for such a small little person to carry.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our routine

is ever changing. Here is an example of our current feeding/med schedule:

7am catch puke and administer glycerine suppository
8am blend breakfast 2ounces banana with 2ounces sweet potatoes 2capsules of digestive enzymes, .6ml iron and a large splash of almond milk...zevex infinity at a rate of 30mls per hour for four hours.
12noon meds actigal and flagyl via g-tube unhook enteral feed.
4pm unhook TPN and hook up enteral feed(similar to breakfast but with veggies)30mls per hour over four hours.
6pm meds actigal and flagyl via g-tube.
730pm prepare TPN and lipids.
8pm hook up TPN and unhook enteral feed.
12am meds actigal and flagyl via g-tube.